On Tuesday, January 9, 2024 the IAM Team released version 2024.1.0 of the uTexas Identity Manager (TIMTIM The uTexas Identity Manager (TIM) is the university’s identity manager. See uTexas Identity Manager (TIM) in the service catalog for more information.) which implemented the following changes:
- Added EIDUT EID The University of Texas Electronic Identity (UT EID or EID) is the public records identifier for principals at the university. See our Concepts page for more information. affiliationAffiliation An affiliation is an attribute which reflects, at a high level, how an individual is related to the university. At any point in time, an individual may have no defined relationship, one defined relationship, or many defined relationships with the university. For example, and individual may be a current student, a future faculty member, a former employee, or all three. for Campers and other youth program participants.
- Added a workaround for a bug resulting from an edge case involving former UT System component institution employees.
- Implemented several fixes to the Non-Use Lock Sweep job.
- Updated Admin Tool’s EID EntitlementEntitlement An entitlement is an attribute which defines what an account is allowed or authorized to do. An EID holder may have many entitlements, each with a start and end date (end dates may be in perpetuity). management to support 4-digit years.
- Additional minor security and bug fixes.