The IAM Team provides Authentication solutions for colleges, schools, and units at The University of Texas at Austin.
Single and Multi-Factor
Whenever possible, we recommend that you integrate with Enterprise AuthenticationAuthentication Authentication is the act of determining that a person is who they claim to be. For more information, see our Concepts page., our Shibboleth Identity ProviderIdP An Identity Provider (IdP) is a software tool or service that offers user authentication as a service. The Identity Provider (IdP) manages the user's primary authentication credentials and issues assertions derived from those credentials. At UT Austin, the primary IdP used to authenticate the UT EID and EID Password is Enterprise Authentication, which is managed by the IAM Team. For more information, see our Concepts page. (IdPIdP An Identity Provider (IdP) is a software tool or service that offers user authentication as a service. The Identity Provider (IdP) manages the user's primary authentication credentials and issues assertions derived from those credentials. At UT Austin, the primary IdP used to authenticate the UT EID and EID Password is Enterprise Authentication, which is managed by the IAM Team. For more information, see our Concepts page.).
Guest Authentication
Guest Authentication is a centralized authentication service suitable for use with low-risk web-based services and applications to allow access without requiring a UT EIDUT EID The University of Texas Electronic Identity (UT EID or EID) is the public records identifier for principals at the university. See our Concepts page for more information..
Multi-Factor Only
If you require a University-approved Multi-Factor AuthenticationMFA Authentication makes use of one or more factors of authentication: something you know (e.g., a password), something you have (e.g., your smartphone), or something you are (e.g., a fingerprint). Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) makes use of two or more factors when authenticating you. For more information, see our Concepts page. (MFAMFA Authentication makes use of one or more factors of authentication: something you know (e.g., a password), something you have (e.g., your smartphone), or something you are (e.g., a fingerprint). Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) makes use of two or more factors when authenticating you. For more information, see our Concepts page.) solution but you cannot use Enterprise Authentication, we also have solutions available.
If you do not yet have an authentication integration with IAM, please e-mail us at
For assistance with existing authentication integrations, please e-mail us at