The Institutional Identifier (IIDIID The Institutional Identifier (IID) (format: <eid> is designed for use with cloud-based services whose usernames are e-mail addresses. When used as an email address, will forward to the user’s email address on record. Guest-class EIDs do NOT have IIDs unless they have been granted a special entitlement.) (format: <eid> is designed for use with cloud-based services whose usernames are e-mail addresses. When used as an email address, will forward to the user’s email address on record. Guest-class EIDsUT EID The University of Texas Electronic Identity (UT EID or EID) is the public records identifier for principals at the university. See our Concepts page for more information. do NOT have IIDs unless they have been granted a special entitlementEntitlement An entitlement is an attribute which defines what an account is allowed or authorized to do. An EID holder may have many entitlements, each with a start and end date (end dates may be in perpetuity)..